Tools for Success


My unit had a contract with an outside company called VMock to provide a free service to engineering students for résumé help. Students could upload their résumé to VMock's site and then get personalized feedback. As a new tool, my unit needed to promote the service to students via our communication channels.


While our company representative provided us with some basic marketing collaterals, my unit wanted to go beyond and find creative ways to advertise VMock to engineering students. Instead of approaching the messaging with typical engineering jargon or basic information about the platform, I wanted to develop an eye-catching campaign that would stray from the typical college posts in our students' newsfeeds.


What's more eye-catching than a seemingly random koala in an engineering-heavy social media feed? Paired with puns for each animal, the VMock animal campaign added encouragement, energy, and humor to an otherwise frustrating topic of hunting for jobs and internships. 

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